科法斯播客:Trade Talk 解读 企业 面临的挑战

Trade Talk是一个旨在帮助您自信地发展业务的播客。在本系列中,我们将探讨经济复苏的不同方面以及相关挑战。通过专家分析、行业翘楚的观点和他们的推荐,我们将为您提供开启复苏、预测风险和做出正确战略选择的钥匙。


在本期节目中,科法斯集团首席经济学家Jean-Christophe Caffet和法国国际关系研究所(IFRI)能源与气候中心主任Marc Antoine Eyl Mazzega将回答这些问题。

Energy sector - Podcast Trade Talk

所花费的时间 00:00

总持续时间 10:54

China: An economic reopening carrying risks and opportunities for businesses

China is in the midst of a number of political, social and economic changes as a result of the health crisis. 
Although it remains a land of business opportunities, some balances appear to be unstable: a trade war with the US, increased tensions with Taiwan, a rapprochement with Russia and complex relations with other Western powers.

  • Is the world's second largest economy still as indispensable as before?

Bernard Aw, Chief Economist for Asia-Pacific, and Raphaël Rousselot, Chief Underwriting Officer for Asia-Pacific, reveal the risks and opportunities for businesses in this country. 

China : A reopening with Risks and opportunities

所花费的时间 00:00

总持续时间 10:54



  • 尽管这些国家以其看似无限的财富而闻名,但它们是如何为后石油转型做准备的?
  • 他们彼此和邻居的关系如何?
  • 该地区为企业和企业家提供了哪些好处?公认的常识是什么?公司需要意识到哪些具体的商业特征?

我们与科法斯的两位专家一起分析了这些机会和风险:中东和土耳其经济学家Seltem Iyigün和中东和南部非洲首席执行官Hassen Bennour

Middle East Podcast - Trade Talk

所花费的时间 00:00

总持续时间 10:54